The Footer elelment of TCET Linux Website which is located at the bottom of the website. It serves as a container for information that is relevant to the entire page. It acts as a Navigation
and Contact
guide for users. In the Footer element, We have included links to Documentation, Blogs, Live projects, Teams, Copyright Information, Email address for contact purposes with TCET LINUX, and icons linking to the Organization's presence on various social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and GitHub. We created this enhanced footer that helps users easily access relevant resources and connect with the TCET Opensource Organisation through multiple channels.
Top Section
This Section is represented by the HTML program with CSS which consists of two components : Logo Component and Footlinks Component.
Here is the implemented code :
<div class="sm:h-[210px] h-full py-6 px-5 sm:py-[48px] sm:px-[41px] border-t bg-[#101828] flex font-sans gap-5 flex-col">
//top section
<div class=" w-full min-h-fit flex flex-col sm:flex-row justify-between items-center ">
//futher sections code
We created the first <div>
above as the parent div of the Footer element and the second <div>
as the Sectional div for Top Section.
Logo Component
This Component created by us, contains the Logo of the TCET Opensource Organization.
//top section div
<div class="flex items-center gap-3">
<img src="/Footer/logo.png" alt="" class="h-[49px]" />
<h2 class="text-white font-semibold text-2xl">TCET Open Source.</h2>
//Footlinks component code
<img src>
tag is used by our team to import the logo and display it in the<div>
tag is created by us to display the name of the Orgnization.
The Logo of the Orgnization can be updated by changing img src pathlink or the image in that path.
Footlinks Component
This Component produce by us, contains the Footlinks of the TCET Opensource Organization.
//Logo Component code
<div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row h-full gap-3 text-[#D0D5DD] items-center">
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="" target="_blank">Docs</a>
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="" target="_blank">Blogs</a>
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="/LiveProjects">Live Projects</a>
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="/CookingProjects">Cooking Projects</a>
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="/CookingProjects">Team</a>
<a class="hover:underline font-thin text-sm " href="">Contact</a>
//Bottom Section Code
Explanation of the code :
tag is created by our team to give Title to the footlinks with href links corresponding to that Footlinks.There are some links created of different pages such as :
- Docs takes you to a page with documentation about projects.
- Blogst takes you to a page with interesting articles.
- Live Projects is a link to see ongoing projects.
- Cooking Projects is also a link to cooking-related projects.
- Team is a link to see the people involved.
- Contact is a link to send an email to "".
Futher more Footlinks
can be added in the footer element using same syntax of code .
Bottom Section
This Section is represented by the HTML program with CSS which consists of : Copyright and Email Component, Socail Media Component.
Copyright and Email Component
This Component created by our team, consists of Copyright text of the Organization.
//Top Section code
<div class=" w-full flex flex-col-reverse sm:flex-row sm:justify-between items-center sm:gap-0 gap-4">
<div class=" text-xs text-[#D0D5DD] ">Copyright 2022-2023 @ TCET Opensource.</div>
<a class=" text-xs text-[#D0D5DD]" href=""></a>
We created the First
as the Sectional div for Bottom Section.Second
is created to display the Copyright text of this componenet.We created the
tag in-order to display Email link in href for LINUX-TCET Mumbai.
The Copyright Text may be converted into accessible text with link to the Copyright page of the Organization.
Social Media Component
This Component contains various social media links of TCET Open Source Organization.
//Copyright and Email Component code
<div class="flex text-[#D0D5DD] gap-8">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Footer/linkdin.png" alt="" class="h-5 cursor-pointer" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/Footer/Youtube.png" alt="" class="h-5 cursor-pointer" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/Footer/Twitter.png" alt="" class="h-5 cursor-pointer" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Footer/Instagram.png" alt="" class="h-5 cursor-pointer" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Footer/Github.png" alt="" class="h-5 cursor-pointer" /></a>
We have used Basic HTML syntax in this component to fulfill our requirements .
tag is used by us to display LinkedIn Platform link in href of TCET OpenSource Organization .Similarly using same syntax, we have linked different Social Media Platform Account of TCET OpenSource Organization for contact process of user.
Using similar Basic HTML syntax, more Social Media links can be added in the Bottom Component of Footer Element of the Website.
After adding all components, the Footer Element can be scene like this :

After successfully implementing the Footer component of the TCET Linux Website , the next step is to move forward with the implementation of the Copy to Clipboard component.